Newsletter May 2020

Optimize your immune system

First of all I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.

Times like this are a reminder that there is nothing more important than focusing on a healthy immune system as the real protection against any virus or bacteria. Germs are not the cause of disease, even though they can certainly play a part in illness. Only if the body’s defences are not working properly are we getting sick. It can be compared to fertile soil. Only when we have fertile soil for the germs to host and grow can they cause issues. As with the current pandemic, there are many people infected without even knowing it or having any symptoms because their immune system is handling it. How can we make sure to be in such a protected state?

The basis of a healthy immune system is a healthy nervous system, a balanced energetic system, balanced emotions, and low stress. Clearing of energetic blockages to allow a balanced emotional and energetic state is usually one of the first things to do besides making sure to eat healthy and natural foods so you have all the required minerals and vitamins, and a good pH balance in the body. 

An NES bioenergetic scan, which can also be done remotely, is a great way to start. It’s one of the best assessment tools available to show the priorities to focus on in order to achieve and maintain a healthy and balanced state. Find out about energetic blockages, energetic immunity, emotional state, subconscious beliefs and patterns, digestion and metabolism, vitamin fields, and much more in just a few seconds. Feel free to contact me anytime if you have questions regarding an NES bioenergetic scan, beneficial vitamins, supplements, or how to achieve a good pH balance in the body.

Get well – Stay well!

Newsletter March 2019

Welcome to my March 2019 issue about NES health!

What if there was a system that you could use in the comfort of your own home, that could work out what was energetically going wrong with you just from the touch of a button, a system that could read your bioenergy field and analyze the root cause of your energy issues and educate you on how to get yourself better?

The following 14-minute video about NES Health not only talks about its very beginnings, but also about the founders’ vision. It also explains how it is being used worldwide for people like you, interested in finding out more about ways how to heal yourself.

In my last newsletter I was talking about how the software identifies the blockages and distortions in the flow of energy and information and returns a recommended protocol to stimulate the body’s innate self-healing ability. Remember that NES has created its BioEnergetiX WellNES System to restore health at all three levels of the human being: our information, our energy, and our physiology.

If you have any questions after watching this video, please don’t hesitate to contact me – I will be happy to answer them.

Be well,


Newsletter January 2019

A peaceful and happy new year to you! 

Welcome to my third issue about NES health! “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes”, wrote Marcel Proust. In September, I was talking about NES founderHarry Massey who was bed-ridden for years, trying different healing approaches. Things started to change in 2000, when he met Peter Fraser, who had been researching the human body-field for 20 years. Combining Peter’s research with Harry’s technological insights led to the foundation of NES Health – now a flourishing global community of over 5,000+ practitioners in the world in bioenergetics.

How does the NES Health scanning software actually work?” was one question I received after sending out my last newsletter. The scan is non-invasive and painless. I will ask you to place your fingers on the scanner and within seconds the scan will be uploaded and analyzed by our proprietary and comprehensive decision-aiding software. 

The software identifies the blockages and distortions in the flow of energy and information and returns a recommended protocol to stimulate the body’s innate self-healing ability. This analysis software allows me to see beyond my client’s symptoms to clearly distinguish the distortions or blockages of energy and information in the body-field, as well as the field’s interaction with nutritional and environmental elements.

Can you also help someone heal if they are too sick to get out of bed?” was another question. Indeed, we can. If clients of mine are bed-ridden, I have the ability to remote-scan them without them needing to come for an in-office visit.

NES has created its BioEnergetiX WellNES System to restore health at all three levels of the human being: our information, our energy, and our physiology. By simply connecting my special body-field scanner, with a simple click and a few seconds, the software will return a richly detailed overview including multiple screens with graphical presentation of the body-field’s condition and how this field supports overall wellness. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me – I will be happy to answer them.

Winter isn’t the easiest season to stay healthy. As the winter days are shorter with a much smaller window of natural light, try to get as much exposure to the sun as you can – whether you sit by the window or take a walk at lunchtime.

Go towards the light,


Newsletter October 2018


Welcome to my second issue about NES health. Last month, I was talking about the possibilities to analyze and correct the body’s bio-field and information, which – after more than 30 years of scientific research – has been shown to be the master control system for the body’s health and functioning. So what is the story behind NES, many of you wondered.

NES health – How did it all start?

In 2000, Harry Massey was suffering from severe chronic fatigue syndrome, which left him bed-ridden for more than seven years. He tried conventional and alternative healing approaches, but without any permanent cure. It wasn’t until he met Peter Fraser, an acupuncture expert who had spent more than 20 years researching the human body-field, that things started to change. Combining Peter’s research with Harry’s technological insights led to the foundation of NES Health. With more than three decades of research as its solid foundation, and a flourishing global community of over 5,000+ practitioners, NES Health now leads the world in bioenergetics. 

The 10 premises:

Let us have a look at the following ten premises the NES model of the human body-field is based upon:

  1. The universe is an interconnected network of information and energy. The human body is part of this web of relationships (via feedback loops), and our health is dependent upon the body’s correct processing of this information and energy.

  1. While genetics and cellular chemistry are important facets of how the body works, there is a deeper reality to the body, one where physics – especially the fields of quantum electrodynamics – governs physiology. The interaction of quantum fields imparts energy and information that is encoded in what NES calls the “human body- field,” which serves as a holographic template for the physical body.
  2. Information is directed in the body via many kinds of energy, including electromagnetic (light) and vibrational (sound/phonons) energies, and via frequency and phase shift.
  3. As an embryo develops, the organs create “Driver fields,” which impart constitutional energy and information to the body-field, and hence to the body.
  4. There are at least 12“Integrator fields”, which form a comprehensive communication network in the body-field that directs information to the right place in the body at the right time so that the body functions correctly; they are very similar to the traditional Chinese meridians.
  5. EnergeticTerrains” are energetic environments in the body that are hospitable to microorganisms, such as viruses and bacteria, and other pathogens.
  6. Symptoms of illness, whether physical or emotional, arise first not in the physical body but as distortions or blocks in the underlying energy and information of the human body-field.
  7. It is possible to analyse the holographic human body-field to determine if there are distortions in or blocks to the flow of energy and information that affect the state of our health.
  8. Liquids can be imprinted with information to influence the energetic state of the body-field, and hence of the physical body.
  9. Correcting distortions in the human body-field can help return the body to homeostasis. “Homeostasis” means the body’s ability to maintain equilibrium, a process that is dependent on the body’s own self-healing intelligence.

I will talk about them in more detail in my upcoming November newsletter. 

Have a peaceful fall season,


Newsletter September 2018


Welcome to my first issue! My name is Wolfgang Zilker and I am very excited to launch this newsletter, which will hopefully inspire you with educational information, helpful hints and tips, events and news about NES Health. I want this newsletter to be valuable for you, so please share your feedback and suggestions to help me improve.

I have started this newsletter to share with you some information about my field of practice, which has been fascinating me for a long time: NES Health. With more than three decades of research as its solid foundation, and a flourishing global community of over 5,000+ practitioners, NES Health leads the world in bioenergetics.

What can NES provide for you? For me, the most amazing thing about NES Health is that it offers a complete system to restore your health and energy at its source.

So how do you approach health, you may ask? Very simple: we approach it from the key perspective that energy and information control biology. By looking at the physics underlying the biochemical nature of the body, we can now analyze and correct the body’s bio-field and information, which – after more than 30 years of scientific research – has been shown to be the master control system for the body’s health and functioning.

As distortions and blockages in the body-field can lead to physical problems and deteriorating health, our BioEnergetiX WellNES System, identifies and corrects these distortions, so that the Body-Field and subsequently the body itself can more easily and naturally return to optimum function.

My upcoming newsletter will talk about the story of how it all started and the ten premises of NES.


Wishing you a wonder-filled September, Wolfgang